Other Service Options
Pet Visits
For Dogs:
Give your dog some companionship during the day. We will come by (likely morning / evening) to your place to perform all the necessary duties for your dog’s comfort for the day: play, feed, change the paper, pick up poo, brush them through, switch on the lights, airconditioning, etc. Almost anything related to your dog!
Choose this: if you are away for a long part of the day, but will eventually return for the night and would like to keep your dog in his familiar environment (Example, long hours at work, extra shifts, attending an all day wedding event).
Charges: from $60 per visit
For Cats:
Visits ensure a clean litter box, fresh water change, feeding of dry and/or wet food for your pampered felines, playtime and long conversations with them while we move around your house! Longer assignments usually include general housecleaning, vacuuming, changing out the cat litter, brush and groom (if allowed by your cat(s) :P ), and anything else that you think will keep them happy.
Charges: from $60 per visit